Why I picked “Living Forward”

Yesterday, I gave a little outline of the life plan I came up with, based off the book Living Forward by Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy. Why did I pick up, or even pre-order their book and not someone else?

Well, it wasn’t the coloring book featured as a bonus (although it helped). No, it was due to the incredible amount of free content I had already gotten from Michael Hyatt through his blog and podcast.

To make a long story short, I found out about Michael starting with Dave Ramsey, who recommended a book, 48 Days to the Work You Love by Dan Miller. Turns out, Dan Miller has a podcast, and he must have interviewed or referred to Michael Hyatt, and that’s how I wound up listening to him.

By the way, I have a habit of buying books and more expensive products from people I trust. Unfortunately, I’m a glass-half-empty, Charlie Brown kind-of-guy, so takes a lot to get me to trust anything. I ultimately bought Living Forward because I could trust who was writing it. So far, I’ve found the book worth way more than I expected, not because it had a hundred great tips, but because it helped me change my way of thinking about life.

I hope tomorrow to share some of the challenges and internal objections I had to the idea of a life plan, in particular my struggles with setting SMART goals.